Elementary Levels 1-5
Classes meet in the Religious Education Center 9:40 am to 10:50 am (almost) every Sunday from September 8, 2024 to April 27, 2025.
Please note our class time: 9:40am to 10:50am. The parish Mass schedule was changed in September 2023 to afford more opportunities for our families in Religious Education to attend Mass together. Our classes will be in between the 8:30am Mass and the 11 am Mass!
- Level 2 – prepares for 1st Reconciliation
- Level 3 – prepares for 1st Holy Communion
Junior High Levels 6 – 8
Classes meet in the Religious Education Center on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month in the evening.
The program prepares youth for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Youth Group (Levels 9-12)
All Grades 9 to 12th youth are welcome to join the Youth Group and bring a friend! More details coming soon!
Online Program
Families learn together using the Word of Life online program — this is available only for Levels 1,4,5 and 6. Families will join the Advent, Lent, and End of Year family gatherings and meet in January for a progress assessment. (Online programs are not available for sacramental years for levels 2, 3,7 and 8, nor for those who are enrolled in Catch-Up Catechesis.)
Religious Education Registration & Information
- June 2024 Letter for Religious Ed
- Program Choices for 2024-2025
- Registration Form for 2024-2025
- Youth Participation & Release Form 2024-2025
- Online Registration Instructions 2024-2025
- Religious Ed – 2024-2025 Volunteer Opportunities!
- Religious Ed Calendar 2024-25 – Basic
- Religious Ed Calendar 2024-25 – Detailed Version
Registration can be done at the ParishSoft site: https://allentown.parishsoftfamilysuite.com/ Please bookmark for future reference!
For directions on how to log into My own Church: click HERE. If you forgot your Username, please call ParishSoft support at 1-866-930-4774 ext. 2.
Child Safety and Protection
St. Mary’s parish has made the safety of parish children a priority and upholds the U.S. Bishops Charter for the Protection of Children. Following Diocesan Guidelines, the “Circle of Grace” child safety program is offered every year in our programs. Parents may preview the program HERE.
Full details of our procedures can be found on our website, under the Resources tab for “Protecting God’s Children.”
Is your child safe from the dangers of pornography?
School-issued Chromebooks are here to stay, and many parents are worried that schools aren’t keeping them safe for kids. And we’ve got lots of proof! A Common Sense Media survey revealed that of the teens who reported viewing pornography during the school day, 44% did so on school-issued devices. For more information about this crisis, check out this article to learn what you can do to keep your child safe. Click HERE.
Contact Information: 610-683-6454 or email at RelEd@stmaryskutztown.com
Weather Cancellations?
If weather conditions threaten religious education events, an announcement will be made on the top of this page, as well as the home page for the parish website. Please note that unless there is an extreme disaster, scheduled parish Masses are always held on time.
However, due to the varied conditions in the wide geographic area served by St. Mary’s, religious education events are sometimes cancelled or rescheduled.
If you are unable to attend Mass in person, please participate with your family with many of the online Masses available or on EWTN TV and discuss the readings and Gospel together. You can watch the livestream Mass from our Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena at 9:30 AM today here: https://www.ad-today.com/live