Welcome to St. Mary’s!
Welcome to the online home of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Kutztown! Whether you are a long-time Catholic, new to the area, considering the Catholic faith or just passing through…. please join us, as we strive to follow Jesus Christ – the way, the Truth and the Life!
February 9 Weather Announcement!
Due to poor road conditions throughout the parish’s large geographic area, Religious Education classes scheduled for 9:40am today, February 9, have been cancelled.
Masses at 8:30am and 11am will indeed be celebrated as scheduled.
Main roads around the church are fine, and conditions are expected to improve as the morning progresses, but each family must use their best judgement based upon conditions nearest them. May God bless you and keep you safe.
PS#1 – Mass at the KU Newman Center today (only) will be at 3pm.
PS. If you are unable to attend Mass in person, please participate with your family with many of the online Masses available or on EWTN TV and discuss the readings and Gospel together. Today is the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. You can watch the livestream Mass from our Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena at 9:30 AM today here: https://www.ad-today.com/live
National Marriage Week – February 7-14
Every year, the dioceses of the United States celebrate February 7-14 as National Marriage Week. Holy Matrimony is near and dear to the heart of Christ. The theme and reality of marriage run throughout Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. Marriage is a divine institution, for the benefit of the human person and the flourishing of the human family. The love between husband and wife is meant to be an image of the love between Christ and His Bride, the Church!
For an at home retreat to enrich your marriage this week, check out this helpful resource from the Conference of Catholic Bishops by clicking HERE.
Parish Breakfast Coming Soon!
Our next parish breakfast will be Sunday, February 16, from 8:30 to 11am. All are welcome!
Thank you to all who worked or supported our annual Spaghetti Dinner on February 1!
Scripture Reflection – February 9, 2025
Our readings for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time illustrate that God will call all kinds of people to further His plan to draw all souls to Himself. We are given three examples: Isaiah, Paul and Peter. Each were painfully aware of their sins and limitations, but were overwhelmed by the power of God’s grace. These are great stories of real people, whose lives were changed, and their lives changed history. What can we learn?
We can be sure that the Lord has a special role for each of us, perhaps not as dramatic as the saints in our readings, but a role designed for us by the Lord. We ought to be humbled by His call and His presence, and our unworthiness, but we should not use it as an excuse to shy away. The Lord will make up for our shortcomings, if we humbly allow Him to do so. He seems to prefer to call the humble and unlikely!
May we also be clear on the majesty and glory of God, and the reverence we owe to our Lord Jesus Christ. In our time where so many have lost a sense of sin and a sense of the sacred, let us pray for the humility to confess our sins, and to bow down before Him in adoration and love. He is truly Present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and truly present in our lives.
Disciple Maker Index Survey
In Spring of 2024, parishes throughout the Diocese of Allentown conducted a survey of parishioners about parish life. A summary of our parish results can be accessed by clicking HERE.
Stay tuned for exciting news about our plan to shore up areas of strength, and address areas in need of improvement!