Welcome to St. Mary’s!

Welcome to the online home of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Kutztown!  Whether you are a long-time Catholic, new to the area, considering the Catholic faith or just passing through….  please join us, as we strive to follow Jesus Christ our Risen Lord!


16th Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 21, 2024

In our readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we see how the Lord desires to care for our needs, and has appointed leaders to guide His people – in both the Old and the New Covenant. He uses an image familiar to their culture – the shepherd.

In our first reading from Jeremiah, we find the Old Testament people of God at a low point, when their shepherds had failed to keep God’s covenant, and instead sought to curry the favor of their worldly neighbors. Remarkably, the Lord promises that the day will come when “I myself will gather” and tend the needs of His flock. The beautiful words of the familiar Psalm 23 echo this:  “The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.”

And in our Gospel, we see the Lord’s promise coming to fulfillment. He had truly come, and His heart is moved with pity, as they were like sheep without a shepherd. In our everyday lives, there is so much noise that threatens to drown out the voice of Jesus, the Shepherd of our Souls. Heed the voice of Jesus, who says, “Come away to a deserted place and rest a while.” Seek silence, and listen for the voice of Jesus! He is calling to your heart!


Miracles of the Holy Eucharist

In Father John’s homily on June 2, he made reference to Blessed Carlo Acutis and miracles of the Holy Eucharist.  For more information on these works of God, click HERE!


“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” – John 6:54-56