Welcome to St. Mary’s!

Welcome to the online home of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Kutztown!  Whether you are a long-time Catholic, new to the area, considering the Catholic faith or just passing through….  please join us, as we strive to follow Jesus Christ – the way, the Truth and the Life!

He is calling us all to be His disciples: “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.  For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.  What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?” – Luke 9:23-25


Scripture Reflection – March 9, 2025  – First Sunday of Lent
On this 2nd Sunday of Lent, we read of Jesus being transfigured in glory before the awestruck eyes of His closest friends – Peter, James and John.  Their friend was now revealed before their eyes in His Divine Glory.  They saw Moses and Elijah, representatives of all the promises of the Old Covenant, coming to fulfillment. It was beyond their wildest dreams.
We might be curious as to why this happened to them, at that moment. The timing says a lot about the meaning of God’s message to them, and to us.  Immediately before this moment, Jesus predicted His passion — He would soon suffer and be killed. He told them that to be His disciples, they must take up their cross and follow Him.  Then after this glorious moment, they walked down the hill, and found a distraught father, whose son was beset by evil his whole life.  There was work to be done.
Jesus was transfigured to strengthen them for the journey ahead – to fortify them, and give them confidence about His divine identity and His mission.
There are times in our lives where we lose sense of our own mission.  Today, the Lord reminds us that our mission, and our identity is found in union with Jesus Christ, crucified and risen.  We can have absolute confidence in Him. This week… draw nearer to Him, in the Blessed Sacrament, and His way of the cross!


Safe Haven from Pornography

In his March 9 homily, Father John spoke of the dangers of pornography.  In that week’s bulletin, there was an insert about this problem, with links to helpful resources.  That letter can be accessed by clicking HERE.


Hoagie Sale until March 16!

The Men of St Mary’s are sponsoring the latest Hoagie Sale, with proceeds to support the parish.  Orders can be submitted from March 1 through Sunday, March 16.    For all the details, click HERE!




Disciple Maker Index Survey

In Spring of 2024, parishes throughout the Diocese of Allentown conducted a survey of parishioners about parish life.  A summary of our parish results can be accessed by clicking HERE.

In 2025, we have begun to identify plans and priorities for our parish family, along the lines of the Parish Experience, Faith Formation and Evangelization.  For an explanation of our goals and the next phase of our plan, click HERE.