Godparent Requests

Have you been asked to serve as Godparent (or as Sponsor at Confirmation)?

It is a great honor!   Before accepting, you should carefully consider the responsibilities involved. The role you have been invited to accept is more than merely being present at a ceremony, and done in less than hour!  There are commitments involved, and promises made.

The primary role of the Godparent is to support the child in following Jesus Christ, and practicing the Catholic faith.  And so it follows that a Godparent must be practicing the Catholic faith themselves!

This is why prospective godparents (sponsors) must request a Certificate of Eligibility from the pastor of their own current parish, so as to ensure that is the case.

It’s not uncommon for some who rarely worship the Lord at Sunday Mass to find themselves asked to serve as a godparent. Should you be in this position, we invite you to see this as an opportunity to make a change, and recommit to Christ with consistency.   This may be the perfect time to “begin again!”

You can be certain that Jesus is indeed calling you closer to Himself.  If being asked to be a Godparent is an honor, how much greater it is to be in His grace!

If however, you have no intention of practicing the Catholic faith (with weekly Mass attendance), now is simply not the time to seek approval to serve as Godparent.

If you have been asked and feel ready to serve as a Godparent, please download and complete the form HERE.

Please return the completed form to Father Maria after Mass, drop it off at the rectory, or email it to <parish@stmaryskutztown.com>.

In addition to weekly attendance at Mass, other requirements to serve as a godparent or sponsor are as follows:  Sponsor MUST be at least sixteen (16) years of age; must have received all of the sacraments of Christian Initiation (Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation) in the Catholic Church; And, if co-habitating with another person, the sponsor must have received the Sacrament of Matrimony in the Catholic Church, thereby living in conformity with the law of the Church regarding marriage.


For a deeper understanding of the role of a Godparent, view this video on FORMED, available for free to parishioners of St. Mary’s, and click HERE.

For more information on the responsibilities of a Godparent, view a great article HERE.